Thinking of those lost recently from Ethiopia to Alabama.
Afro Beats
Today I am excited to style a presentation in the annual African Street Festival in Brooklyn NY. I can't wait to see the many Diasporic shades of black and brown skin, donning vibrant colors and patterns, sharing music, stories and cuisine ... all in celebration of The Continent and its beauty.
Goal Line
Today, like many days, I find myself reflecting on my goals ... those of the personal and professional variety. My achieved goals encourage me to set new ones. And, my un-achieved goals fuel my passion for those a bit farther away on the horizon. As they say, life's a journey!
In the meantime, it's Hump Day. So at least my journey to the weekend goal line is in sight!
Leaf. Me. Alone.
As my poor orchid had shed its last bloom, I took a look out of the window to see that the leaves were turning a perfect array of amber and orange hues and the remnants of recent snowfall were darkening and melting under passersby's feet. I thought nothing more fitting to wear for a stroll than fashion's master of dark romanticism, Ann Demeulemeester.
Deep in thought along the trails, I realized the irony of recent December conversations ... whether joyfully counting down the days to disconnecting our workplace tethers in order to join family and friends for year-end celebrations, or, nearly throwing those same electronic devices filled with spam of overwhelming holiday cheer ... at some point during the holiday season we all just want to scream: leave me alone. And on this beautiful fall/winter day I found the perfect tree under which to do just that, naturally in #allblackeverything.
'Tis the season!