As my poor orchid had shed its last bloom, I took a look out of the window to see that the leaves were turning a perfect array of amber and orange hues and the remnants of recent snowfall were darkening and melting under passersby's feet. I thought nothing more fitting to wear for a stroll than fashion's master of dark romanticism, Ann Demeulemeester.
Deep in thought along the trails, I realized the irony of recent December conversations ... whether joyfully counting down the days to disconnecting our workplace tethers in order to join family and friends for year-end celebrations, or, nearly throwing those same electronic devices filled with spam of overwhelming holiday cheer ... at some point during the holiday season we all just want to scream: leave me alone. And on this beautiful fall/winter day I found the perfect tree under which to do just that, naturally in #allblackeverything.
'Tis the season!